Guardian Pharmacy

The brief

Client wanted to create a key visual lock-up for a new
promo titled “Healthy Days”. The target consumer were
the middle age group, married women who tend to look
for promotions that offer good value and willing to pay
more for quality products.

Client wanted a key visual that is less lifestyle as it seems
to be quite prevalent. They wanted to stand out and be
owner-able and also to project a sense of fun in health
and the brand.

They were thinking of characterisation or a mascot. Hence
“Healthy Heroes” is conceived.

Before I designed the characters, I wrote down some key
words to set the tone of voice. These words associations
are inspired by : an advisor, a friend who advises.

The archetype is that of a protector and a carer.

Character key visual

Momofu is a nurturing mystical species born of nature. It is
part cat, part squirrel and its body texture is akin to soft
fluffy cotton-cloud. It’s eyes are always sparkly shinning
with hope and it’s smile is always reassuring.

It is resilient, gentle and agile and responds quickly to the
needs of humanity. It’s special powers are when water
touches its cotton-like fur, tiny creatures pops out and they
assist momofu to help people in need. It’s heart shaped
face is endearing and momofu’s rosy cheeks are always
flushed when it feels that it has done a good job to make
people feel good.

One of Momofu’s special powers is special healing herbs
(leafs) appears on top of it’s head when someone
approaches it for some form of healing. In its pouch, tiny
assistants hide inside and they appear only to respond to
the sounds of sighs of humans. These tiny assistants can
pick up frequencies and vibrations of people who worry or
are in distress.